Camryn Devereaux

welcome to my website!

I like making stuff and putting it on the internet

About me

Hey there girly, I'm a programmer from Houston, Texas, and I somehow ended up in Cleveland, Ohio. I learned how to do everything you see on this page on my own. Please feel free to visit this page if, when reading this, you’ve ever felt disheartened about programming, art, music, or any other creative expression being blocked. Coding, drawing, and creating music are the things that speak to my spirit the most. I have an insatiable curiosity for how computers and software work, ever since I received my first custom PC at the age of fourteen. Despite having no idea what I was doing, I had the most fun of my life creating little games with Unity. That's when I realized I couldn't go through life without having a computer. You're welcome here regardless of how worthy you think you are! Keep checking back for updated stuff on this website. You could find something interesting, or perhaps some inspiration ;)

"To the person out there who's been mulling over an idea and waiting for the right moment, I want to speak directly to you. I want you to take the plung and jump in and just get started. Trust me, it's worth it. There's always going to be another reason not to do something. Either you don't feel like your art is good enough or you don't feel like your coding skills are there, just follow your heart and you will learn along the way. This is your green light just go do the thing that you've been dreaming of."
-Crimson Hollow (YouTube)



I've personally felt intimidated by documentation in the past, but it's actually a great resource. I promise it gets easier to read the more you use it. It can be your best friend especially when you're stuck. Here are some of my favorites:


If it wasn't for YouTube, I wouldn't be where I am today. I've learned so much from watching videos and tutorials. Here's a playlist I made for myself that I think you might find useful:


There are so many free and paid courses out there. I've taken a few and I've found them to be helpful. Here are some I've used:

Thanks for checking me out!